Do You Want to Do Religious Tourism in Santiago de los Caballeros?

If you are someone who is attracted to visiting temples, monuments, and other places related to religion, here we tell you about the must-see visits in Santiago de los Caballeros.

In the Dominican Republic, freedom of worship is enshrined in the Constitution. However, the predominant religion is Catholicism, so in all towns and cities, there are churches, some very majestic, others somewhat simpler.

Let us guide you on your religious-touristic tour of the capital of the Cibao Valley municipality.

  • In the Heart of Santiago

You should start by visiting:

  • The Cathedral Santiago Apóstol “El Mayor”: Built between 1868 and 1894, it clearly shows neoclassical features in its architecture. Inside, you can admire a copy of “La Pietà” by the Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti and the work titled “Four Apostles” by the Italian painter Hugo Nardo.

Among other figures linked to the country’s history, it houses the remains of Generals José María Imbert, Fernando Valerio, Pedro Antonio Pimentel, and Lucas Evangelista de Peña.

Open in the mornings from 6 to 11 and in the afternoons from 5 to 7, it is located near Plaza Duarte, in the Historic Center of the city. Next to the cathedral, in the parish office, from Monday to Friday only in the morning, you can admire the permanent exhibition maintained in the reception area.

Just half a block from there, on the same Duvergé street, you will find the bookstores:

  • Comunidad Siervos de Cristo and, across from it, Las Paulinas. In addition to literature, they sell images of saints, rosaries, reliquaries, and other religious items.

Within the parish boundaries of the cathedral is the Casa de Emaús, located at the corner of Independencia and España streets. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed daily, and they have fixed activities throughout the week: masses, sacraments, lauds, prayer assemblies, and cenacles. Additionally, it operates a bookstore.

Another recommended building to visit is the:

  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of Altagracia, on Calle del Sol, corner of General Luperón. Considered an icon of the province of Santiago, a national heritage and architectural symbol, it is the second most visited place in the country where La Altagracia is invoked. The original temple was built in 1874, being replaced by the current one in 1953. Two daily masses are held there from Monday to Saturday, and on Sundays, four masses at 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, and 6 pm.
  • Must-See

Even though it is not within the urban perimeter of Santiago de los Caballeros, you cannot miss visiting the Sanctuary of the national patroness Our Lady of Las Mercedes, known locally as the Church of Santo Cerro.

Located northwest of La Vega, from the heart city, you must travel approximately 36 kilometers to reach the highest point of the hill, where the first Marian sanctuary in America was built. Behind the church, there is an open-air terrace, and if you climb the steps, you can access the symbolic 14-meter-high cross. It is an amazing viewpoint from where you can enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the Cibao Valley and surrounding mountains.

Other recommended sites include:

  • The Parish of the Annunciation at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), located in front of Hotel Platino, a beautiful building where the remains of the second Bishop of Santiago are found.
  • The Church of San José on Hermanas Mirabal Avenue.
  • The Temple of San Ramón Nonato in Gurabo, with impressive and modern architecture.

In terms of monuments, you can admire:

  • The statue of Patron Santiago at the entrance of the city, the only statue made of stone, and the statue of Father Emiliano Tardiff of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in the republic, located near the Hermanos Patiño Bridge.

One warning we cannot overlook is not to enter a temple in shorts or bermudas, nor in a state of drunkenness, as this is considered offensive behavior in the country.

Do religious tourism at:

  1. Cathedral Santiago Apóstol “El Mayor”
  2. Comunidad Siervos de Cristo
  3. Sanctuary of Our Lady of Altagracia
  4. Church of Santo Cerro
  5. Parish of the Annunciation
  6. Church of San José
  7. Temple of San Ramón Nonato

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